Monday, August 06, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Federal Government of Germany warns against WLAN
In the last issue of dialogue I warned over the use of WLAN... now more vindication:
German Federal Government warns of wl to use - industry criticizes raid
The German Federal Government recommends to avoid the employment of WLAN on the job or at home. In order to reduce the personal radiation dose, it is better to remain with conventional, cable-bound networks.
“Alle of proofs point on the fact that radiation is not injurious to health within the limit values. Damage mechanisms bestehen” would know nothing the defiance;, explains Florian Emrich of the Federal Office for radiation protection in relation to pressing text.
Basis for the evaluation of possible health damage by wireless networks is the specific absorption rate (SAR). It describes, which quantity of radiating power is taken up by the human body. The limit value amounts to 0.08 Watts per kilogram (W/kg) for the whole body and 2.00 W/kg for parts of the body. With values of 0,1 W/kg with minimum distance to individual parts of the body WLAN is the far under limit value. “Man may not forget that it concerns a relatively new technology, the still far to be investigated muss”, Emrich shows up sceptically.
“Faktum is that the radiation dose by portable radio around the ten to fifty-subject more highly ist”, criticizes Carsten Kunert, speaker of the network manufacturer Netgear, in the discussion with pressing text. It is unclear to it why one zeroed in oneself straight on radio net works. “Womoeglich stand for lobbyists of the UMTS industry behind these Empfehlung”, assumes Kuntert. “Oder it is because of a fundamental inclination, everything which one does not know, to verdammen.” The decision between cable and radio net works users should fall according to technical criteria - if both possibilities are given, to user anyway to the faster cable solution would tend, mean Kunert locking.